Father Karl Daigle, aka Soul Daddy, welcomes the new website for Mary Queen of Peace Parish

Welcome to the New Website

by Father Karl Daigle, aka Soul Daddy
Technology is truly a gift from God. It allows us to connect with people and the world around us. As a people of faith, we can be exposed to a fuller richness of our Catholic Christian faith through various technological means. On a parish level, our new revised website enables you to connect and interact more fully with our parish family through access to information that may be relevant to you and your family. I hope you enjoy the new website and find it helpful and informative.

If you have any ideas or suggestions concerning how we can better serve you through this website, please contact us through this form. Having you as part of our parish family is a blessing and joy. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to those benefactors who made this endeavor possible. Yours is a gift that will keep on giving—a special thank you to Haley Reggio Pederson for her technological leadership and creative vision.

May God bless the people of MQP and St. George!

Fr. Karl Daigle
