🕊️Sunday, September 15, 2024
#Homily by Father Karl Daigle
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B-2024
🥖Bread for the Journey
In his hit song “All of Me,” John Legend sings, “Cause all of me, loves all of you.” A verse later he goes onto say, “Give your all to me, I’ll give my all to you. You’re my end and my beginning, even when I lose, I’m winning. Cause I give you all of me. And you give me all of you.” These words are part of a beautiful love song. Do you realize that these same relational dynamics are true in our relationship with Jesus Christ. Throughout history, Jesus has proclaimed and shown us in some rather remarkable ways that “All of me loves all of you” and “I give you all of me.” Some of the more notable expressions include being born for all humanity so that we can discover God’s love and learn how to love God in return, dying for all humanity so that we can experience forgiveness of sins and reconciliation with God, and rising for all humanity that we can enjoy an everlasting relationship with God.
Through our relationship with the church, Jesus Christ also proclaims and shows us “All of me loves all of you” and “I give you all of me” through the gift of: His Holy Spirit through the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation; His mercy and salvation through the sacrament of Reconciliation; the fullness of His human and divine Self through the sacrament of the Eucharist; His comforting, strengthening, and healing love through the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick; and how He loves and serves us and His people through the sacraments of Matrimony and Holy Orders.
On a daily basis, Jesus Christ proclaims and shows us “All of me loves all of you” and “And I give you all of me” through all the ways He offers us His love and grace inside and outside of prayer; guides and inspires us through the Holy Spirit; protects us from personal and spiritual danger, and provides for the needs of body, mind, heart, and soul.
In today’s Gospel Jesus proclaims to His twelve disciples and to us: “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up His cross daily and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and that of the Gospel will save it.” Using imagery from the song, that is Jesus’s way of saying to us “Give your all to me.” He in turn promises us, “I’ll give my all to you.” The deepest desire of Jesus’s heart is to continually give us all of Himself to the degree we are willing to receive Him. Do you realize that our relationship with Jesus Christ is all about mutual love and mutual sacrifice? The depth of our love for Jesus is expressed through the depth of our sacrifice for Him. They are always intertwined. If they are not, something authentic and foundational is missing from the relationship.
So far, I have reflected on various ways Jesus has and continues to sacrifice for us out of love. Now, I want to ponder on how we can do the same. There are a variety of ways we can do this. They include the sacrifice of our will, the sacrifice of our service, and the sacrifice of esteem from others for the sake of Jesus and the truth. There are two other forms of sacrifice that I would like to focus on in my homily. That is because they are the relational springboard from which we are inspired and strengthened to embrace these other forms of sacrifice.
First, we can offer Jesus the sacrifice of our time. Time is one of the greatest gifts that He bestows on us. How do we use our time for Him? Ideally, spending time with Jesus in prayer becomes the highest personal and relational priority of our day. We schedule and make time with Him instead of just fitting Him in if we happen to have time or we happen to be in the mood. We pray whether we feel like it or not. We find a way to pray whether it is convenient or not. He becomes the center of our day instead of an afterthought or one option among many.
Our time with Jesus is not limited just to scheduled or routine times. We also talk to him in the silence and intimacy of our minds and hearts as we engage in the activities and interactions of our day. Even though it is humanly impossible to spend every waking moment in literal, personal prayer, we come to view prayer as the most important and best use of our time. We also live out our daily responsibilities and interactions with a spiritual awareness we are doing this as an expression of our love for Jesus and that He is with us. Is this way, our whole life can become a sacrifice of our time for Christ.
Second, we can offer Jesus Christ the sacrifice of our heart. Our heart is the deepest place within us. It is that place where we are in touch with our innermost thoughts and feelings, about Jesus Christ, other people, ourselves, and life itself. We are often more comfortable living on the surface of our daily existence. We are hesitant or resistant to look within for a variety of reasons. There is a tendency to put a “Do Not Disturb” sign on our hearts, which is the most intimate part of who we are. This can be true even in our relationship with Jesus Christ.
I want to drop a nuclear size truth bomb on you right now. I hope it explodes within your hearts in a manner that forever alters the landscape of your interactions with Jesus. The truth bomb is this. Jesus Christ can read our minds and hearts. He knows our innermost thoughts and feelings. There is zero percent chance we can hide anything from Him. Since this is true, why don’t we make the sacrifice of talking to Him about what is going on in our hearts? As we articulate ourselves, we develop a stronger sense of a personal relationship. The Sacred Scriptures reveals the beautiful revelation that God wants to be our loving Parent, Friend, and Beloved. God wants to be all three for us based on what we need from Him the most at any given moment. As we talk to Him in this personalized manner, we open ourselves to His love and help, concerning whatever we are going through. We come to personally experience His divine care and support in those areas of our lives. God is overjoyed whenever we let him into those parts of our lives that are so important and personal to us. He is saddened when our relationship simply remains at the level of ritual, legalism, or superficiality. Do you realize it is meant to be so much more? It is meant a mutual proclamation between us and God that “All of me, loves all of you.”
Beyond our innermost thoughts and feelings, Jesus thoroughly enjoys when we share the joys, highlights, and the positive experiences of our day with Him. Are we willing to sacrifice our illusionary sense of privacy and self-sufficiency, and invite Jesus into all those things that positively and negatively weigh on our hearts? Yes, it is true, that Jesus knows everything going within and in our lives. At the same time, He is the perfect respecter of our personal freedom. It is important to invite Him in. If we keep inviting Him into our hearts and lives, we can have the most amazing relationship with the Person who is meant to be the most important Person in our lives. In the process, we can experience the healing and salvation that comes from allowing His love, grace, and mercy to continually flow into the most wounded, broken, and darkened corners and recesses of our hearts.
That is what happens when we and Jesus Christ, do everything we can, to continually give all of our selves, to each other. It is truly the meaning and the experience of heaven on earth to live out a relationship with Jesus Christ in which our hearts, words, and actions proclaim: “Give your all to me, I’ll give my all to you. You’re my end and my beginning. Even when I lose, I’m winning. Cause I give you all of me. And you give me all of you.”
#MaryQueenOfPeace 📞Please call the Church Office at (318) 752-5971 for more information.
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It's not the finish line of giving; it's just the starting blocks.
Tithes can be the training wheels to launch us into the mindset, skills, and habits of grace-giving." ~ Randy Alcorn
Please contact the #MaryQueenOfPeace office at ☎ (318) 752-5971 for more information.
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We are excited to announce a weekly Bible study series that will take us on an enriching journey through the entire Bible! Join us each week as we explore and
We are excited to announce a weekly Bible study series that will take us on an enriching journey through the entire Bible! Join us each week as we explore and summarize the books of the Bible, providing a comprehensive overview and deepening our understanding of God’s Word.
Zoom details:
Meeting ID: 810 6530 5251
Passcode: 029728
Join Deacon Mike Straub for an engaging and insightful Bible Study every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. on Zoom.
Dive deep into the Scriptures, explore their meanings, and connect with fellow parishioners in a supportive and interactive environment. All are welcome to participate and enrich their spiritual journey from the comfort of their homes.
Please call the Church Office at (318) 752-5971 for more information.
September 18, 2024 7:30 pm(GMT+00:00)
18sep5:30 pm6:30 pmFaith Formation: Sacramental PreparationWednesdays During School Year
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church Faith Formation: PSR 2024-2025 Sacramental Prep: WEDNESDAYS (5:30-6:30pm) 2nd grade – First Communion 6th grade – Prep for 2-yr Confirmation Program 7th grade – Pre-Confirmation (first year) 8th grade –
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church
Faith Formation: PSR 2024-2025
Sacramental Prep: WEDNESDAYS (5:30-6:30pm)
Classes are sometimes canceled on short notice. Make sure you are subscribed through Remind for the most up-to-date information.
September 18, 2024 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm(GMT-05:00)
MQP Parish Hall
7738 Barksdale Blvd
19sep6:30 pm8:00 pmOCIA: Order of Christian Initiation for AdultsThursdays from 6:30 - 8:00
Are you curious about the Catholic faith? Considering becoming Catholic? Or perhaps you’re already Catholic and want to deepen your understanding of what it means to live as a Catholic? We
Are you curious about the Catholic faith? Considering becoming Catholic? Or perhaps you’re already Catholic and want to deepen your understanding of what it means to live as a Catholic?
We invite you to join our OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) class, a welcoming and engaging journey into the heart of Catholicism. Classes are held on Thursday nights from 6:30 to 8:00 pm.
Explore, ask questions, and grow in your faith with us!
Classes can be canceled at short notice due to weather or other events. Please refer to the group messaging app for the most up-to-date information.
September 19, 2024 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm(GMT-05:00)
MQP Parish Hall
7738 Barksdale Blvd
21sep5:00 pm7:00 pmGame Night SeptemberSaturday, Sept. 21st at 5:00 (after Mass)
GAME NIGHT IS BACK! Saturday, Sept. 21st at 5:00 (after Mass) in the Hall All adults (21 & up) are invited. Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? and Jeopardy rolled into one
Saturday, Sept. 21st at 5:00 (after Mass) in the Hall
All adults (21 & up) are invited.
Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? and Jeopardy rolled into one fun game.
TACO SALAD BAR We supply the meat and lettuce – You bring toppings and desserts
Sign up in Narthex beginning Sept 7th.
Sponsored by the Whites and the Powells
September 21, 2024 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm(GMT-05:00)
MQP Parish Hall
7738 Barksdale Blvd
Join us for choir practice every other Sunday at 9:30 a.m., starting July 14, 2024. This is a wonderful opportunity to lift your voice in song and contribute to the musical
Join us for choir practice every other Sunday at 9:30 a.m., starting July 14, 2024.
This is a wonderful opportunity to lift your voice in song and contribute to the musical ministry of Mary Queen of Peace Catholic Church. All are welcome, whether you’re a seasoned singer or new to the choir.
Come and share your talent and fellowship with us!
Please call the Church Office at (318) 752-5971 for more information.
September 22, 2024 9:30 am(GMT+00:00)
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church
7738 Barksdale Blvd
22sep9:45 am10:45 amFaith Formation: Sunday Mornings
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church Faith Formation: PSR 2024-2025 SUNDAY Morning (9:45 – 10:45am) Kindergarten First Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Classes are sometimes canceled on short notice due to weather or other unexpected events.
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church
Faith Formation: PSR 2024-2025
SUNDAY Morning (9:45 – 10:45am)
Classes are sometimes canceled on short notice due to weather or other unexpected events. Please sign up and refer to your Remind app for the most up-to-date information.
September 22, 2024 9:45 am - 10:45 am(GMT-05:00)
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church
7738 Barksdale Blvd
24sep5:30 pmSociety of St. Vincent de Paul
Join the Society of St. Vincent de Paul for our monthly meeting to coordinate assistance for those in need. We review aid requests, plan charitable activities, and allocate resources for
Join the Society of St. Vincent de Paul for our monthly meeting to coordinate assistance for those in need. We review aid requests, plan charitable activities, and allocate resources for outreach programs.
Meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 5:30 PM in the Caplis Center.
Please call the Church Office at (318) 752-5971 for more information.
September 24, 2024 5:30 pm(GMT+00:00)
MQP Caplis Center
7738 Barksdale Blvd
During our monthly Finance Council meetings, we review the parish’s financial health, discuss budget planning, and ensure responsible stewardship of our resources. Key topics include financial reports, funding for parish
During our monthly Finance Council meetings, we review the parish’s financial health, discuss budget planning, and ensure responsible stewardship of our resources. Key topics include financial reports, funding for parish projects, and strategies for maintaining fiscal stability. These meetings are essential for transparent financial management and supporting the mission and growth of Mary Queen of Peace Catholic Church.
See our Councils & Organizations page for an up-to-date list of Council Members.
September 24, 2024 6:00 pm(GMT+00:00)
We are excited to announce a weekly Bible study series that will take us on an enriching journey through the entire Bible! Join us each week as we explore and
We are excited to announce a weekly Bible study series that will take us on an enriching journey through the entire Bible! Join us each week as we explore and summarize the books of the Bible, providing a comprehensive overview and deepening our understanding of God’s Word.
Zoom details:
Meeting ID: 810 6530 5251
Passcode: 029728
Join Deacon Mike Straub for an engaging and insightful Bible Study every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. on Zoom.
Dive deep into the Scriptures, explore their meanings, and connect with fellow parishioners in a supportive and interactive environment. All are welcome to participate and enrich their spiritual journey from the comfort of their homes.
Please call the Church Office at (318) 752-5971 for more information.
September 25, 2024 7:30 pm(GMT+00:00)
25sep5:30 pm6:30 pmFaith Formation: Sacramental PreparationWednesdays During School Year
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church Faith Formation: PSR 2024-2025 Sacramental Prep: WEDNESDAYS (5:30-6:30pm) 2nd grade – First Communion 6th grade – Prep for 2-yr Confirmation Program 7th grade – Pre-Confirmation (first year) 8th grade –
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church
Faith Formation: PSR 2024-2025
Sacramental Prep: WEDNESDAYS (5:30-6:30pm)
Classes are sometimes canceled on short notice. Make sure you are subscribed through Remind for the most up-to-date information.
September 25, 2024 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm(GMT-05:00)
MQP Parish Hall
7738 Barksdale Blvd
26sep6:30 pm8:00 pmOCIA: Order of Christian Initiation for AdultsThursdays from 6:30 - 8:00
Are you curious about the Catholic faith? Considering becoming Catholic? Or perhaps you’re already Catholic and want to deepen your understanding of what it means to live as a Catholic? We
Are you curious about the Catholic faith? Considering becoming Catholic? Or perhaps you’re already Catholic and want to deepen your understanding of what it means to live as a Catholic?
We invite you to join our OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) class, a welcoming and engaging journey into the heart of Catholicism. Classes are held on Thursday nights from 6:30 to 8:00 pm.
Explore, ask questions, and grow in your faith with us!
Classes can be canceled at short notice due to weather or other events. Please refer to the group messaging app for the most up-to-date information.
September 26, 2024 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm(GMT-05:00)
MQP Parish Hall
7738 Barksdale Blvd
29sep9:45 am10:45 amFaith Formation: Sunday Mornings
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church Faith Formation: PSR 2024-2025 SUNDAY Morning (9:45 – 10:45am) Kindergarten First Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Classes are sometimes canceled on short notice due to weather or other unexpected events.
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church
Faith Formation: PSR 2024-2025
SUNDAY Morning (9:45 – 10:45am)
Classes are sometimes canceled on short notice due to weather or other unexpected events. Please sign up and refer to your Remind app for the most up-to-date information.
September 29, 2024 9:45 am - 10:45 am(GMT-05:00)
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church
7738 Barksdale Blvd
Calling all Ladies of the Church! The Ladies Guild is looking for new members to join our great team. We are responsible for decorating the church, especially for Easter and Christmas. We
Calling all Ladies of the Church!
The Ladies Guild is looking for new members to join our great team. We are responsible for decorating the church, especially for Easter and Christmas.
We meet at 6:00 p.m. on the first Tuesday of the month from September to April and have an occasional fundraiser when needed.
Please call the Church Office at (318) 752-5971 for more information.
October 1, 2024 6:00 pm(GMT+00:00)
MQP Parish Hall
7738 Barksdale Blvd
02oct10:30 amSenior Adult GroupFirst Wednesday BINGO
❓Do you want to have fun? ❓Meet new people? ❓Play games? ❓Eat good food? ❓At least 50 years young? If you answered yes to any, some, or all of these questions, then the Senior Adult
❓Do you want to have fun?
❓Meet new people?
❓Play games?
❓Eat good food?
❓At least 50 years young?
If you answered yes to any, some, or all of these questions, then the Senior Adult Group is for YOU! We meet in the Hall on the first Wednesday of the month, have a short meeting, and play BINGO. At this time, we select a restaurant to eat at on the third Wednesday of the month.
For more information, call the Office at (318) 752-5971.
October 2, 2024 10:30 am(GMT+00:00)
MQP Parish Hall
7738 Barksdale Blvd
We are excited to announce a weekly Bible study series that will take us on an enriching journey through the entire Bible! Join us each week as we explore and
We are excited to announce a weekly Bible study series that will take us on an enriching journey through the entire Bible! Join us each week as we explore and summarize the books of the Bible, providing a comprehensive overview and deepening our understanding of God’s Word.
Zoom details:
Meeting ID: 810 6530 5251
Passcode: 029728
Join Deacon Mike Straub for an engaging and insightful Bible Study every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. on Zoom.
Dive deep into the Scriptures, explore their meanings, and connect with fellow parishioners in a supportive and interactive environment. All are welcome to participate and enrich their spiritual journey from the comfort of their homes.
Please call the Church Office at (318) 752-5971 for more information.
October 2, 2024 7:30 pm(GMT+00:00)
02oct5:30 pm6:30 pmFaith Formation: Sacramental PreparationWednesdays During School Year
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church Faith Formation: PSR 2024-2025 Sacramental Prep: WEDNESDAYS (5:30-6:30pm) 2nd grade – First Communion 6th grade – Prep for 2-yr Confirmation Program 7th grade – Pre-Confirmation (first year) 8th grade –
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church
Faith Formation: PSR 2024-2025
Sacramental Prep: WEDNESDAYS (5:30-6:30pm)
Classes are sometimes canceled on short notice. Make sure you are subscribed through Remind for the most up-to-date information.
October 2, 2024 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm(GMT-05:00)
MQP Parish Hall
7738 Barksdale Blvd
03oct6:30 pm8:00 pmOCIA: Order of Christian Initiation for AdultsThursdays from 6:30 - 8:00
Are you curious about the Catholic faith? Considering becoming Catholic? Or perhaps you’re already Catholic and want to deepen your understanding of what it means to live as a Catholic? We
Are you curious about the Catholic faith? Considering becoming Catholic? Or perhaps you’re already Catholic and want to deepen your understanding of what it means to live as a Catholic?
We invite you to join our OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) class, a welcoming and engaging journey into the heart of Catholicism. Classes are held on Thursday nights from 6:30 to 8:00 pm.
Explore, ask questions, and grow in your faith with us!
Classes can be canceled at short notice due to weather or other events. Please refer to the group messaging app for the most up-to-date information.
October 3, 2024 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm(GMT-05:00)
MQP Parish Hall
7738 Barksdale Blvd
Join us for choir practice every other Sunday at 9:30 a.m., starting July 14, 2024. This is a wonderful opportunity to lift your voice in song and contribute to the musical
Join us for choir practice every other Sunday at 9:30 a.m., starting July 14, 2024.
This is a wonderful opportunity to lift your voice in song and contribute to the musical ministry of Mary Queen of Peace Catholic Church. All are welcome, whether you’re a seasoned singer or new to the choir.
Come and share your talent and fellowship with us!
Please call the Church Office at (318) 752-5971 for more information.
October 6, 2024 9:30 am(GMT+00:00)
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church
7738 Barksdale Blvd
06oct9:45 am10:45 amFaith Formation: Sunday Mornings
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church Faith Formation: PSR 2024-2025 SUNDAY Morning (9:45 – 10:45am) Kindergarten First Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Classes are sometimes canceled on short notice due to weather or other unexpected events.
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church
Faith Formation: PSR 2024-2025
SUNDAY Morning (9:45 – 10:45am)
Classes are sometimes canceled on short notice due to weather or other unexpected events. Please sign up and refer to your Remind app for the most up-to-date information.
October 6, 2024 9:45 am - 10:45 am(GMT-05:00)
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church
7738 Barksdale Blvd
In our monthly Pastoral Council meetings, we discuss a variety of topics essential to the spiritual and operational well-being of Mary Queen of Peace Catholic Church. Items on the agenda
In our monthly Pastoral Council meetings, we discuss a variety of topics essential to the spiritual and operational well-being of Mary Queen of Peace Catholic Church. Items on the agenda typically include planning and evaluating parish events and programs, addressing the needs and concerns of our parish community, and developing strategies to enhance our outreach and ministry efforts.
These meetings are crucial for fostering a vibrant and supportive faith community, ensuring that we continually grow and serve effectively.
For pastoral suggestions/concerns call Karen Dantin,Vice Chair/Parishioner Concerns, at (318) 294-7745.
Please call the Church Office at (318) 752-5971 for more information.
October 8, 2024 6:00 pm(GMT+00:00)
MQP Conference Room
7738 Barksdale Blvd
We are excited to announce a weekly Bible study series that will take us on an enriching journey through the entire Bible! Join us each week as we explore and
We are excited to announce a weekly Bible study series that will take us on an enriching journey through the entire Bible! Join us each week as we explore and summarize the books of the Bible, providing a comprehensive overview and deepening our understanding of God’s Word.
Zoom details:
Meeting ID: 810 6530 5251
Passcode: 029728
Join Deacon Mike Straub for an engaging and insightful Bible Study every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. on Zoom.
Dive deep into the Scriptures, explore their meanings, and connect with fellow parishioners in a supportive and interactive environment. All are welcome to participate and enrich their spiritual journey from the comfort of their homes.
Please call the Church Office at (318) 752-5971 for more information.
October 9, 2024 7:30 pm(GMT+00:00)
10oct6:30 pm8:00 pmOCIA: Order of Christian Initiation for AdultsThursdays from 6:30 - 8:00
Are you curious about the Catholic faith? Considering becoming Catholic? Or perhaps you’re already Catholic and want to deepen your understanding of what it means to live as a Catholic? We
Are you curious about the Catholic faith? Considering becoming Catholic? Or perhaps you’re already Catholic and want to deepen your understanding of what it means to live as a Catholic?
We invite you to join our OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) class, a welcoming and engaging journey into the heart of Catholicism. Classes are held on Thursday nights from 6:30 to 8:00 pm.
Explore, ask questions, and grow in your faith with us!
Classes can be canceled at short notice due to weather or other events. Please refer to the group messaging app for the most up-to-date information.
October 10, 2024 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm(GMT-05:00)
MQP Parish Hall
7738 Barksdale Blvd
15oct6:30 pmCatholic Daughters of the Americas#2770 Mary, Undoer of Knots Monthly Meeting
Court #2770, Mary, Undoer of Knots, is actively involved in various service projects impacting our community significantly. We meet monthly, every third Tuesday of the month in the
Court #2770, Mary, Undoer of Knots, is actively involved in various service projects impacting our community significantly.
We meet monthly, every third Tuesday of the month in the MQP Parish Hall at 6:30PM.
Some of our past projects include sponsoring youth to diocesan summer camps, collecting and donating items to charitable organizations such as Mary’s House and the Northwest Louisiana Veterans Home, and hosting events like a Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser and a Lenten Mission. Additionally, we have supported local children with high medical needs, sponsored Bingo games at Magnolia Manor Nursing Home, and organized social events like the Pairs and Spares social and Kids’ Game Night/Parents’ Night Out.
October 15, 2024 6:30 pm(GMT+00:00)
MQP Parish Hall
7738 Barksdale Blvd
We are excited to announce a weekly Bible study series that will take us on an enriching journey through the entire Bible! Join us each week as we explore and
We are excited to announce a weekly Bible study series that will take us on an enriching journey through the entire Bible! Join us each week as we explore and summarize the books of the Bible, providing a comprehensive overview and deepening our understanding of God’s Word.
Zoom details:
Meeting ID: 810 6530 5251
Passcode: 029728
Join Deacon Mike Straub for an engaging and insightful Bible Study every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. on Zoom.
Dive deep into the Scriptures, explore their meanings, and connect with fellow parishioners in a supportive and interactive environment. All are welcome to participate and enrich their spiritual journey from the comfort of their homes.
Please call the Church Office at (318) 752-5971 for more information.
October 16, 2024 7:30 pm(GMT+00:00)
16oct5:30 pm6:30 pmFaith Formation: Sacramental PreparationWednesdays During School Year
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church Faith Formation: PSR 2024-2025 Sacramental Prep: WEDNESDAYS (5:30-6:30pm) 2nd grade – First Communion 6th grade – Prep for 2-yr Confirmation Program 7th grade – Pre-Confirmation (first year) 8th grade –
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church
Faith Formation: PSR 2024-2025
Sacramental Prep: WEDNESDAYS (5:30-6:30pm)
Classes are sometimes canceled on short notice. Make sure you are subscribed through Remind for the most up-to-date information.
October 16, 2024 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm(GMT-05:00)
MQP Parish Hall
7738 Barksdale Blvd
17oct6:30 pm8:00 pmOCIA: Order of Christian Initiation for AdultsThursdays from 6:30 - 8:00
Are you curious about the Catholic faith? Considering becoming Catholic? Or perhaps you’re already Catholic and want to deepen your understanding of what it means to live as a Catholic? We
Are you curious about the Catholic faith? Considering becoming Catholic? Or perhaps you’re already Catholic and want to deepen your understanding of what it means to live as a Catholic?
We invite you to join our OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) class, a welcoming and engaging journey into the heart of Catholicism. Classes are held on Thursday nights from 6:30 to 8:00 pm.
Explore, ask questions, and grow in your faith with us!
Classes can be canceled at short notice due to weather or other events. Please refer to the group messaging app for the most up-to-date information.
October 17, 2024 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm(GMT-05:00)
MQP Parish Hall
7738 Barksdale Blvd
Join us for choir practice every other Sunday at 9:30 a.m., starting July 14, 2024. This is a wonderful opportunity to lift your voice in song and contribute to the musical
Join us for choir practice every other Sunday at 9:30 a.m., starting July 14, 2024.
This is a wonderful opportunity to lift your voice in song and contribute to the musical ministry of Mary Queen of Peace Catholic Church. All are welcome, whether you’re a seasoned singer or new to the choir.
Come and share your talent and fellowship with us!
Please call the Church Office at (318) 752-5971 for more information.
October 20, 2024 9:30 am(GMT+00:00)
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church
7738 Barksdale Blvd
20oct9:45 am10:45 amFaith Formation: Sunday Mornings
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church Faith Formation: PSR 2024-2025 SUNDAY Morning (9:45 – 10:45am) Kindergarten First Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Classes are sometimes canceled on short notice due to weather or other unexpected events.
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church
Faith Formation: PSR 2024-2025
SUNDAY Morning (9:45 – 10:45am)
Classes are sometimes canceled on short notice due to weather or other unexpected events. Please sign up and refer to your Remind app for the most up-to-date information.
October 20, 2024 9:45 am - 10:45 am(GMT-05:00)
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church
7738 Barksdale Blvd
22oct5:30 pmSociety of St. Vincent de Paul
Join the Society of St. Vincent de Paul for our monthly meeting to coordinate assistance for those in need. We review aid requests, plan charitable activities, and allocate resources for
Join the Society of St. Vincent de Paul for our monthly meeting to coordinate assistance for those in need. We review aid requests, plan charitable activities, and allocate resources for outreach programs.
Meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 5:30 PM in the Caplis Center.
Please call the Church Office at (318) 752-5971 for more information.
October 22, 2024 5:30 pm(GMT+00:00)
MQP Caplis Center
7738 Barksdale Blvd
During our monthly Finance Council meetings, we review the parish’s financial health, discuss budget planning, and ensure responsible stewardship of our resources. Key topics include financial reports, funding for parish
During our monthly Finance Council meetings, we review the parish’s financial health, discuss budget planning, and ensure responsible stewardship of our resources. Key topics include financial reports, funding for parish projects, and strategies for maintaining fiscal stability. These meetings are essential for transparent financial management and supporting the mission and growth of Mary Queen of Peace Catholic Church.
See our Councils & Organizations page for an up-to-date list of Council Members.
October 22, 2024 6:00 pm(GMT+00:00)
We are excited to announce a weekly Bible study series that will take us on an enriching journey through the entire Bible! Join us each week as we explore and
We are excited to announce a weekly Bible study series that will take us on an enriching journey through the entire Bible! Join us each week as we explore and summarize the books of the Bible, providing a comprehensive overview and deepening our understanding of God’s Word.
Zoom details:
Meeting ID: 810 6530 5251
Passcode: 029728
Join Deacon Mike Straub for an engaging and insightful Bible Study every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. on Zoom.
Dive deep into the Scriptures, explore their meanings, and connect with fellow parishioners in a supportive and interactive environment. All are welcome to participate and enrich their spiritual journey from the comfort of their homes.
Please call the Church Office at (318) 752-5971 for more information.
October 23, 2024 7:30 pm(GMT+00:00)
23oct5:30 pm6:30 pmFaith Formation: Sacramental PreparationWednesdays During School Year
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church Faith Formation: PSR 2024-2025 Sacramental Prep: WEDNESDAYS (5:30-6:30pm) 2nd grade – First Communion 6th grade – Prep for 2-yr Confirmation Program 7th grade – Pre-Confirmation (first year) 8th grade –
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church
Faith Formation: PSR 2024-2025
Sacramental Prep: WEDNESDAYS (5:30-6:30pm)
Classes are sometimes canceled on short notice. Make sure you are subscribed through Remind for the most up-to-date information.
October 23, 2024 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm(GMT-05:00)
MQP Parish Hall
7738 Barksdale Blvd
24oct6:30 pm8:00 pmOCIA: Order of Christian Initiation for AdultsThursdays from 6:30 - 8:00
Are you curious about the Catholic faith? Considering becoming Catholic? Or perhaps you’re already Catholic and want to deepen your understanding of what it means to live as a Catholic? We
Are you curious about the Catholic faith? Considering becoming Catholic? Or perhaps you’re already Catholic and want to deepen your understanding of what it means to live as a Catholic?
We invite you to join our OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) class, a welcoming and engaging journey into the heart of Catholicism. Classes are held on Thursday nights from 6:30 to 8:00 pm.
Explore, ask questions, and grow in your faith with us!
Classes can be canceled at short notice due to weather or other events. Please refer to the group messaging app for the most up-to-date information.
October 24, 2024 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm(GMT-05:00)
MQP Parish Hall
7738 Barksdale Blvd
27oct9:45 am10:45 amFaith Formation: Sunday Mornings
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church Faith Formation: PSR 2024-2025 SUNDAY Morning (9:45 – 10:45am) Kindergarten First Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Classes are sometimes canceled on short notice due to weather or other unexpected events.
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church
Faith Formation: PSR 2024-2025
SUNDAY Morning (9:45 – 10:45am)
Classes are sometimes canceled on short notice due to weather or other unexpected events. Please sign up and refer to your Remind app for the most up-to-date information.
October 27, 2024 9:45 am - 10:45 am(GMT-05:00)
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church
7738 Barksdale Blvd
We are excited to announce a weekly Bible study series that will take us on an enriching journey through the entire Bible! Join us each week as we explore and
We are excited to announce a weekly Bible study series that will take us on an enriching journey through the entire Bible! Join us each week as we explore and summarize the books of the Bible, providing a comprehensive overview and deepening our understanding of God’s Word.
Zoom details:
Meeting ID: 810 6530 5251
Passcode: 029728
Join Deacon Mike Straub for an engaging and insightful Bible Study every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. on Zoom.
Dive deep into the Scriptures, explore their meanings, and connect with fellow parishioners in a supportive and interactive environment. All are welcome to participate and enrich their spiritual journey from the comfort of their homes.
Please call the Church Office at (318) 752-5971 for more information.
October 30, 2024 7:30 pm(GMT+00:00)
30oct5:30 pm6:30 pmFaith Formation: Sacramental PreparationWednesdays During School Year
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church Faith Formation: PSR 2024-2025 Sacramental Prep: WEDNESDAYS (5:30-6:30pm) 2nd grade – First Communion 6th grade – Prep for 2-yr Confirmation Program 7th grade – Pre-Confirmation (first year) 8th grade –
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church
Faith Formation: PSR 2024-2025
Sacramental Prep: WEDNESDAYS (5:30-6:30pm)
Classes are sometimes canceled on short notice. Make sure you are subscribed through Remind for the most up-to-date information.
October 30, 2024 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm(GMT-05:00)
MQP Parish Hall
7738 Barksdale Blvd
31oct6:30 pm8:00 pmOCIA: Order of Christian Initiation for AdultsThursdays from 6:30 - 8:00
Are you curious about the Catholic faith? Considering becoming Catholic? Or perhaps you’re already Catholic and want to deepen your understanding of what it means to live as a Catholic? We
Are you curious about the Catholic faith? Considering becoming Catholic? Or perhaps you’re already Catholic and want to deepen your understanding of what it means to live as a Catholic?
We invite you to join our OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) class, a welcoming and engaging journey into the heart of Catholicism. Classes are held on Thursday nights from 6:30 to 8:00 pm.
Explore, ask questions, and grow in your faith with us!
Classes can be canceled at short notice due to weather or other events. Please refer to the group messaging app for the most up-to-date information.
October 31, 2024 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm(GMT-05:00)
MQP Parish Hall
7738 Barksdale Blvd
Join us for choir practice every other Sunday at 9:30 a.m., starting July 14, 2024. This is a wonderful opportunity to lift your voice in song and contribute to the musical
Join us for choir practice every other Sunday at 9:30 a.m., starting July 14, 2024.
This is a wonderful opportunity to lift your voice in song and contribute to the musical ministry of Mary Queen of Peace Catholic Church. All are welcome, whether you’re a seasoned singer or new to the choir.
Come and share your talent and fellowship with us!
Please call the Church Office at (318) 752-5971 for more information.
November 3, 2024 9:30 am(GMT+00:00)
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church
7738 Barksdale Blvd
03nov9:45 am10:45 amFaith Formation: Sunday Mornings
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church Faith Formation: PSR 2024-2025 SUNDAY Morning (9:45 – 10:45am) Kindergarten First Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Classes are sometimes canceled on short notice due to weather or other unexpected events.
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church
Faith Formation: PSR 2024-2025
SUNDAY Morning (9:45 – 10:45am)
Classes are sometimes canceled on short notice due to weather or other unexpected events. Please sign up and refer to your Remind app for the most up-to-date information.
November 3, 2024 9:45 am - 10:45 am(GMT-05:00)
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church
7738 Barksdale Blvd
Calling all Ladies of the Church! The Ladies Guild is looking for new members to join our great team. We are responsible for decorating the church, especially for Easter and Christmas. We
Calling all Ladies of the Church!
The Ladies Guild is looking for new members to join our great team. We are responsible for decorating the church, especially for Easter and Christmas.
We meet at 6:00 p.m. on the first Tuesday of the month from September to April and have an occasional fundraiser when needed.
Please call the Church Office at (318) 752-5971 for more information.
November 5, 2024 6:00 pm(GMT+00:00)
MQP Parish Hall
7738 Barksdale Blvd
06nov10:30 amSenior Adult GroupFirst Wednesday BINGO
❓Do you want to have fun? ❓Meet new people? ❓Play games? ❓Eat good food? ❓At least 50 years young? If you answered yes to any, some, or all of these questions, then the Senior Adult
❓Do you want to have fun?
❓Meet new people?
❓Play games?
❓Eat good food?
❓At least 50 years young?
If you answered yes to any, some, or all of these questions, then the Senior Adult Group is for YOU! We meet in the Hall on the first Wednesday of the month, have a short meeting, and play BINGO. At this time, we select a restaurant to eat at on the third Wednesday of the month.
For more information, call the Office at (318) 752-5971.
November 6, 2024 10:30 am(GMT+00:00)
MQP Parish Hall
7738 Barksdale Blvd
We are excited to announce a weekly Bible study series that will take us on an enriching journey through the entire Bible! Join us each week as we explore and
We are excited to announce a weekly Bible study series that will take us on an enriching journey through the entire Bible! Join us each week as we explore and summarize the books of the Bible, providing a comprehensive overview and deepening our understanding of God’s Word.
Zoom details:
Meeting ID: 810 6530 5251
Passcode: 029728
Join Deacon Mike Straub for an engaging and insightful Bible Study every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. on Zoom.
Dive deep into the Scriptures, explore their meanings, and connect with fellow parishioners in a supportive and interactive environment. All are welcome to participate and enrich their spiritual journey from the comfort of their homes.
Please call the Church Office at (318) 752-5971 for more information.
November 6, 2024 7:30 pm(GMT+00:00)
06nov5:30 pm6:30 pmFaith Formation: Sacramental PreparationWednesdays During School Year
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church Faith Formation: PSR 2024-2025 Sacramental Prep: WEDNESDAYS (5:30-6:30pm) 2nd grade – First Communion 6th grade – Prep for 2-yr Confirmation Program 7th grade – Pre-Confirmation (first year) 8th grade –
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church
Faith Formation: PSR 2024-2025
Sacramental Prep: WEDNESDAYS (5:30-6:30pm)
Classes are sometimes canceled on short notice. Make sure you are subscribed through Remind for the most up-to-date information.
November 6, 2024 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm(GMT-05:00)
MQP Parish Hall
7738 Barksdale Blvd
07nov6:30 pm8:00 pmOCIA: Order of Christian Initiation for AdultsThursdays from 6:30 - 8:00
Are you curious about the Catholic faith? Considering becoming Catholic? Or perhaps you’re already Catholic and want to deepen your understanding of what it means to live as a Catholic? We
Are you curious about the Catholic faith? Considering becoming Catholic? Or perhaps you’re already Catholic and want to deepen your understanding of what it means to live as a Catholic?
We invite you to join our OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) class, a welcoming and engaging journey into the heart of Catholicism. Classes are held on Thursday nights from 6:30 to 8:00 pm.
Explore, ask questions, and grow in your faith with us!
Classes can be canceled at short notice due to weather or other events. Please refer to the group messaging app for the most up-to-date information.
November 7, 2024 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm(GMT-05:00)
MQP Parish Hall
7738 Barksdale Blvd
10nov9:45 am10:45 amFaith Formation: Sunday Mornings
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church Faith Formation: PSR 2024-2025 SUNDAY Morning (9:45 – 10:45am) Kindergarten First Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Classes are sometimes canceled on short notice due to weather or other unexpected events.
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church
Faith Formation: PSR 2024-2025
SUNDAY Morning (9:45 – 10:45am)
Classes are sometimes canceled on short notice due to weather or other unexpected events. Please sign up and refer to your Remind app for the most up-to-date information.
November 10, 2024 9:45 am - 10:45 am(GMT-05:00)
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church
7738 Barksdale Blvd
In our monthly Pastoral Council meetings, we discuss a variety of topics essential to the spiritual and operational well-being of Mary Queen of Peace Catholic Church. Items on the agenda
In our monthly Pastoral Council meetings, we discuss a variety of topics essential to the spiritual and operational well-being of Mary Queen of Peace Catholic Church. Items on the agenda typically include planning and evaluating parish events and programs, addressing the needs and concerns of our parish community, and developing strategies to enhance our outreach and ministry efforts.
These meetings are crucial for fostering a vibrant and supportive faith community, ensuring that we continually grow and serve effectively.
For pastoral suggestions/concerns call Karen Dantin,Vice Chair/Parishioner Concerns, at (318) 294-7745.
Please call the Church Office at (318) 752-5971 for more information.
November 12, 2024 6:00 pm(GMT+00:00)
MQP Conference Room
7738 Barksdale Blvd
We are excited to announce a weekly Bible study series that will take us on an enriching journey through the entire Bible! Join us each week as we explore and
We are excited to announce a weekly Bible study series that will take us on an enriching journey through the entire Bible! Join us each week as we explore and summarize the books of the Bible, providing a comprehensive overview and deepening our understanding of God’s Word.
Zoom details:
Meeting ID: 810 6530 5251
Passcode: 029728
Join Deacon Mike Straub for an engaging and insightful Bible Study every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. on Zoom.
Dive deep into the Scriptures, explore their meanings, and connect with fellow parishioners in a supportive and interactive environment. All are welcome to participate and enrich their spiritual journey from the comfort of their homes.
Please call the Church Office at (318) 752-5971 for more information.
November 13, 2024 7:30 pm(GMT+00:00)
13nov5:30 pm6:30 pmFaith Formation: Sacramental PreparationWednesdays During School Year
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church Faith Formation: PSR 2024-2025 Sacramental Prep: WEDNESDAYS (5:30-6:30pm) 2nd grade – First Communion 6th grade – Prep for 2-yr Confirmation Program 7th grade – Pre-Confirmation (first year) 8th grade –
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church
Faith Formation: PSR 2024-2025
Sacramental Prep: WEDNESDAYS (5:30-6:30pm)
Classes are sometimes canceled on short notice. Make sure you are subscribed through Remind for the most up-to-date information.
November 13, 2024 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm(GMT-05:00)
MQP Parish Hall
7738 Barksdale Blvd
14nov6:30 pm8:00 pmOCIA: Order of Christian Initiation for AdultsThursdays from 6:30 - 8:00
Are you curious about the Catholic faith? Considering becoming Catholic? Or perhaps you’re already Catholic and want to deepen your understanding of what it means to live as a Catholic? We
Are you curious about the Catholic faith? Considering becoming Catholic? Or perhaps you’re already Catholic and want to deepen your understanding of what it means to live as a Catholic?
We invite you to join our OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) class, a welcoming and engaging journey into the heart of Catholicism. Classes are held on Thursday nights from 6:30 to 8:00 pm.
Explore, ask questions, and grow in your faith with us!
Classes can be canceled at short notice due to weather or other events. Please refer to the group messaging app for the most up-to-date information.
November 14, 2024 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm(GMT-05:00)
MQP Parish Hall
7738 Barksdale Blvd
Join us for choir practice every other Sunday at 9:30 a.m., starting July 14, 2024. This is a wonderful opportunity to lift your voice in song and contribute to the musical
Join us for choir practice every other Sunday at 9:30 a.m., starting July 14, 2024.
This is a wonderful opportunity to lift your voice in song and contribute to the musical ministry of Mary Queen of Peace Catholic Church. All are welcome, whether you’re a seasoned singer or new to the choir.
Come and share your talent and fellowship with us!
Please call the Church Office at (318) 752-5971 for more information.
November 17, 2024 9:30 am(GMT+00:00)
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church
7738 Barksdale Blvd
17nov9:45 am10:45 amFaith Formation: Sunday Mornings
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church Faith Formation: PSR 2024-2025 SUNDAY Morning (9:45 – 10:45am) Kindergarten First Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Classes are sometimes canceled on short notice due to weather or other unexpected events.
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church
Faith Formation: PSR 2024-2025
SUNDAY Morning (9:45 – 10:45am)
Classes are sometimes canceled on short notice due to weather or other unexpected events. Please sign up and refer to your Remind app for the most up-to-date information.
November 17, 2024 9:45 am - 10:45 am(GMT-05:00)
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church
7738 Barksdale Blvd
19nov6:30 pmCatholic Daughters of the Americas#2770 Mary, Undoer of Knots Monthly Meeting
Court #2770, Mary, Undoer of Knots, is actively involved in various service projects impacting our community significantly. We meet monthly, every third Tuesday of the month in the
Court #2770, Mary, Undoer of Knots, is actively involved in various service projects impacting our community significantly.
We meet monthly, every third Tuesday of the month in the MQP Parish Hall at 6:30PM.
Some of our past projects include sponsoring youth to diocesan summer camps, collecting and donating items to charitable organizations such as Mary’s House and the Northwest Louisiana Veterans Home, and hosting events like a Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser and a Lenten Mission. Additionally, we have supported local children with high medical needs, sponsored Bingo games at Magnolia Manor Nursing Home, and organized social events like the Pairs and Spares social and Kids’ Game Night/Parents’ Night Out.
November 19, 2024 6:30 pm(GMT+00:00)
MQP Parish Hall
7738 Barksdale Blvd
We are excited to announce a weekly Bible study series that will take us on an enriching journey through the entire Bible! Join us each week as we explore and
We are excited to announce a weekly Bible study series that will take us on an enriching journey through the entire Bible! Join us each week as we explore and summarize the books of the Bible, providing a comprehensive overview and deepening our understanding of God’s Word.
Zoom details:
Meeting ID: 810 6530 5251
Passcode: 029728
Join Deacon Mike Straub for an engaging and insightful Bible Study every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. on Zoom.
Dive deep into the Scriptures, explore their meanings, and connect with fellow parishioners in a supportive and interactive environment. All are welcome to participate and enrich their spiritual journey from the comfort of their homes.
Please call the Church Office at (318) 752-5971 for more information.
November 20, 2024 7:30 pm(GMT+00:00)
20nov5:30 pm6:30 pmFaith Formation: Sacramental PreparationWednesdays During School Year
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church Faith Formation: PSR 2024-2025 Sacramental Prep: WEDNESDAYS (5:30-6:30pm) 2nd grade – First Communion 6th grade – Prep for 2-yr Confirmation Program 7th grade – Pre-Confirmation (first year) 8th grade –
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church
Faith Formation: PSR 2024-2025
Sacramental Prep: WEDNESDAYS (5:30-6:30pm)
Classes are sometimes canceled on short notice. Make sure you are subscribed through Remind for the most up-to-date information.
November 20, 2024 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm(GMT-05:00)
MQP Parish Hall
7738 Barksdale Blvd
21nov6:30 pm8:00 pmOCIA: Order of Christian Initiation for AdultsThursdays from 6:30 - 8:00
Are you curious about the Catholic faith? Considering becoming Catholic? Or perhaps you’re already Catholic and want to deepen your understanding of what it means to live as a Catholic? We
Are you curious about the Catholic faith? Considering becoming Catholic? Or perhaps you’re already Catholic and want to deepen your understanding of what it means to live as a Catholic?
We invite you to join our OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) class, a welcoming and engaging journey into the heart of Catholicism. Classes are held on Thursday nights from 6:30 to 8:00 pm.
Explore, ask questions, and grow in your faith with us!
Classes can be canceled at short notice due to weather or other events. Please refer to the group messaging app for the most up-to-date information.
November 21, 2024 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm(GMT-05:00)
MQP Parish Hall
7738 Barksdale Blvd
26nov5:30 pmSociety of St. Vincent de Paul
Join the Society of St. Vincent de Paul for our monthly meeting to coordinate assistance for those in need. We review aid requests, plan charitable activities, and allocate resources for
Join the Society of St. Vincent de Paul for our monthly meeting to coordinate assistance for those in need. We review aid requests, plan charitable activities, and allocate resources for outreach programs.
Meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 5:30 PM in the Caplis Center.
Please call the Church Office at (318) 752-5971 for more information.
November 26, 2024 5:30 pm(GMT+00:00)
MQP Caplis Center
7738 Barksdale Blvd
During our monthly Finance Council meetings, we review the parish’s financial health, discuss budget planning, and ensure responsible stewardship of our resources. Key topics include financial reports, funding for parish
During our monthly Finance Council meetings, we review the parish’s financial health, discuss budget planning, and ensure responsible stewardship of our resources. Key topics include financial reports, funding for parish projects, and strategies for maintaining fiscal stability. These meetings are essential for transparent financial management and supporting the mission and growth of Mary Queen of Peace Catholic Church.
See our Councils & Organizations page for an up-to-date list of Council Members.
November 26, 2024 6:00 pm(GMT+00:00)
We are excited to announce a weekly Bible study series that will take us on an enriching journey through the entire Bible! Join us each week as we explore and
We are excited to announce a weekly Bible study series that will take us on an enriching journey through the entire Bible! Join us each week as we explore and summarize the books of the Bible, providing a comprehensive overview and deepening our understanding of God’s Word.
Zoom details:
Meeting ID: 810 6530 5251
Passcode: 029728
Join Deacon Mike Straub for an engaging and insightful Bible Study every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. on Zoom.
Dive deep into the Scriptures, explore their meanings, and connect with fellow parishioners in a supportive and interactive environment. All are welcome to participate and enrich their spiritual journey from the comfort of their homes.
Please call the Church Office at (318) 752-5971 for more information.
November 27, 2024 7:30 pm(GMT+00:00)
28nov6:30 pm8:00 pmOCIA: Order of Christian Initiation for AdultsThursdays from 6:30 - 8:00
Are you curious about the Catholic faith? Considering becoming Catholic? Or perhaps you’re already Catholic and want to deepen your understanding of what it means to live as a Catholic? We
Are you curious about the Catholic faith? Considering becoming Catholic? Or perhaps you’re already Catholic and want to deepen your understanding of what it means to live as a Catholic?
We invite you to join our OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) class, a welcoming and engaging journey into the heart of Catholicism. Classes are held on Thursday nights from 6:30 to 8:00 pm.
Explore, ask questions, and grow in your faith with us!
Classes can be canceled at short notice due to weather or other events. Please refer to the group messaging app for the most up-to-date information.
November 28, 2024 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm(GMT-05:00)
MQP Parish Hall
7738 Barksdale Blvd
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