
Altar Servers

The Altar Servers have the responsibility of assisting the priest during Mass. Through attentive watching, listening, and responding they lead the congregation in prayer and worship. Please call the Church Office at (318) 752-5971 for more information.

Children’s Liturgy

The Children’s Liturgy is a program to educate children about the readings and gospel in “their own language.” This takes place for children during the Sunday Mass. Please call the Church Office at (318) 752-5971 for more information.


Our adult S.A.T.B. Choir performs for the Sunday liturgy and other special parish events. The choir practices on Sunday Mornings at 10:00 a.m. in the church. Please call the Church Office at (318) 752-5971 for more information.

Extraordinary Minister(s) of Holy Communion

The E.M.H.C. is trained to assist the priest with the distribution of the Holy Eucharist at Mass, nursing homes, and to shut-ins. Please call the Church Office at (318) 752-5971 for more information.

Presentation of the Gifts

On a rotating basis families are chosen to Present the Gifts: bread and wine to be consecrated during the liturgy and the collection. This is done on behalf of the entire congregation.

Please call the Church Office at (318) 752-5971 for more information.


When the Scriptures are read in the Church, God himself is speaking to his people through the Lector. The readings of God’s word make up a principal element of the liturgy. Scripture is to be delivered in a loud and clear voice, the tone of voice should correspond to the genre of the text, that is, accordingly as it is a reading, a prayer, an instruction, an acclamation, or a liturgical song; the tone should also be suited to the form of celebration and to the solemnity of the gathering.

Please call the Church Office at (318) 752-5971 for more information.

Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (O.C.I.A.)

The R.C.I.A. teaches non-Catholics and lapsed Catholics what the Church believes and lives. The purpose of these classes ranges from merely clearing up misconceptions to bringing others into full communion with the Roman Church. R.C.I.A. needs organizers, teachers, and sponsors.

Please call the Church Office at (318) 752-5971 for more information.


It is the duty of the Sacristan to prepare the altar and church for the Mass. Please call the Church Office at (318) 752-5971 for more information.

Ushers and Greeters

The Ushers attend to the needs of the congregation by greeting parishioners as they arrive, assist with seating, receiving collections, facilitating the procession for communion, and attending to any emergencies which might arise.

Please call the Church Office at (318) 752-5971 for more information.

Ladies Guild

The Ladies Guild is designed to specifically meet the needs of Mary, Queen of Peace by decorating and beautifying our church as well as hold fundraisers for ourselves and other ministries in need of monetary support. We are also in charge of organizing the social events within the Parish to bring our Parishioners together for Fellowship. Our meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month at 6:00 pm.

Please call the Church Office at (318) 752-5971 for more information.

Knights of Columbus Round Table

The Knights of Columbus Roundtable was formed to help the M.Q.P. Knights of Columbus members get active and involved within the parish to assist in anyway needed with maintenance, fundraising, and social events. Our primary goal is to carry on the mission of the Knights of Columbus which is to be the strong right arm of the church, and support the church and raise money for charities. All of our members belong to Bossier Council 4873 and assist the council with various fundraisers throughout the year.

Please call the Church Office at (318) 752-5971 for more information.

Catholic Daughters of the Americas®

Court Mary, Undoer of Knots #2770

Mission Statement: Catholic Daughters of the Americas® strives to embrace the principles of faith working through love in the promotion of justice, equality, and the advancement of human dignity for all.

Our Court was instituted March 20, 2021 with 30 Charter Members from Mary, Queen of Peace, St. Joseph, St. Jude, Holy Trinity, and St. Mary of the Pines Catholic Churches.

Andrea Rowe – Regent
Elizabeth Long – Vice Regent
Brittany Webster – Recording Secretary
Patricia Grafton – Financial Secretary
Charlene Barrow – Treasurer

Please call the Church Office at (318) 752-5971 for more information.


Media Ministry Description

The Media Ministry at Mary Queen of Peace Catholic Church is dedicated to enhancing our parish’s communication and outreach efforts. We manage the church’s social media platforms, maintain and update the website, create engaging graphics, and handle some public communications. Our goal is to ensure that our community stays informed, connected, and inspired through effective and creative media solutions.

Please call the Church Office at (318) 752-5971 for more information.

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