Prayers for Vocation

For Priestly Vocations

O Lord, my God,
You renew the Church in every age
by raising up priests outstanding in holiness,
living witnesses of Your unchanging Love.
In Your Plan for our salvation
You provide shepherds for Your people.

Fill the hearts of young men
with the spirit of courage and love
that they may answer Your call generously.
Give parents the grace to encourage vocations
in their family by prayer and good example.

Raise up worthy priests for Your Altars
and ardent, but gentle servants of the Gospel.
Give the Church more priests
and keep them faithful in their love and service.
May many young men choose to serve You
by devoting themselves to the service of Your people.

(Author: Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D.)

Laborers for the Harvest

Lord, You told us that
"The harvest indeed is great but the laborers are few.
Pray, therefore, the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into His harvest."
We ask You to strengthen us
as we follow the vocation to which You have called us.
We pray particularly for those called to serve
as priests, sisters, brothers and deacons:

Those whom You have called,
Those You are calling now,
Those You will call in the future.

May they be open and responsive to the call of serving Your people.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord.


Prayer for Religious Vocations

O Lord Jesus Christ,
sublime model of all perfection,
Thou art ever urging onward all privileged souls
in their high aspiration towards the goal of religious life;
and, moreover, Thou dost also strengthen them
through the powerful force of Thy example
and the efficacious influence of Thy grace
so that they may be able to follow Thee
in such a noble way of life;
grant then that many,
recognizing Thy sweet inspirations,
may have the will to correspond with them
by embracing the religious state
and so enjoy in it Thy special care
and tender predilection.

Grant in like manner
that there may never be wanting those angels of Thy charity,
who will represent Thee day and night
at the cradle of the orphan,
at the bedside of the suffering,
by the side of the aged and the sick,
who perhaps have no one on earth to whom
they may look for sympathy and a helping hand.
Grant that humble schools,
like lofty pulpits,
may ever re-echo Thy voice,
teaching the way to heaven
and the duties proper to each one's state in life.
May no land, ever so wild and remote,
be deprived of the preaching of the Gospel,
whereby the invitation is extended to all peoples
to enter into Thy Kingdom.
Increase and multiply the flames
which are to spread throughout the world that fire
in which the immaculate holiness of Thy Church
is to shine forth in all its splendour.
May there flourish in every place gardens of chosen souls
who by contemplation and penance
make reparation for the sins of men
and invoke Thy mercy upon them.
Grant that the continuous self sacrifice of these hearts,
the snow-white purity of these souls
and their eminent virtues
may keep ever alive the perfect example of the children of God
which Thou didst will to make manifest to men
by Thy coming into this world.

To these armies of Thy dearly beloved souls
send a large number of good vocations,
souls steadfast and firm in their resolve
to make themselves worthy of their high calling
and to become a credit to the holy institute
to which they aspire,
by exact religious observance,
by diligence in prayer,
by constant mortification
and by the perfect conformity of their will
with Thine in all things.

Enlighten, O Lord Jesus,
many generous souls with the fiery glow of the Holy Spirit,
who is substantial and eternal love,
and by the powerful intercession of Thy most dear Mother Mary,
stir up and preserve in them the fire of Thy love,
unto the glory of the Father
and the same Holy Spirit,
who together with Thee live and reign for ever and ever.


(By Pope Pius XII)

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